Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Welcome back Spring!

Hi everyone!

We're back for our 2014 planting season!! This is the BODY Community Garden's 3rd planting season, and we're excited for new plants, new community involvement and new projects!

We have already had a great start to our season by getting 4 free trees from the Million Tree NYC program (

Fig, pear and cherry trees from the Million Trees NYC program
 Also, spring has officially sprung in the BODY garden and we're seeing a bunch of beautiful flowers starting from bulbs we planted in the fall of last year.  We will have more flowers to plant in May, but until then, these make a great start to the garden!

Small Crocus flowers from bulbs we planted in the fall
Yellow Crocus
The beginnings of Daffodils and Tulips we planted in the fall.
We are getting the spring started this year with a trip to visit our favorite 4th graders at PS89 to have them start seeds which will become seedlings they will plant during their field trips to the garden in early May.

Also, we will have some of the students from Pelham Lab High School visiting the garden for their Community Action Day!  They are going to help with some of our early spring construction projects to get ready for our planting season.

Finally - we have a new way you can follow the progress of the garden!  Follow us on Instagram - @BODYCommunityGarden
Pretty pictures of flowers?  Why not?

Don't forget - if you have any questions about the garden, our events, or how you can get involved, feel free to email us at

Anyway, get ready for some exciting spring happenings at the garden!  We hope to see many of you at the Open Hours this spring and summer.

Happy Spring!

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